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Feed & Detailed Design Of Offshore Production Jacket Platforms & Analysis with SACS Level 1 & Level 2

Chess Subsea Engineering, a UK based international underwater subsea training, technical manpower supply and engineering consultancy company with extensive experience with Floating Production Storage & Offloading (FPSO) unit, Jack-up, Drilling Units, Drillships, Risers and Pipelines is seeking for candidates to train on Feed & Detailed Design Of Offshore Production Jacket Platforms & Analysis with SACS (FDDOPJPAS) Level 1 & Level 2.



FDDOPJPAS offline and online intensive design simulation course has been fully subsidized and offered in accordance to Nigerian Local Content and Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR PERMIT NO: DPR/OGISP/18/4241800/N144618) requirements on engineering training and manpower development indigenous.

FDDOPJPAS gives a comprehensive understanding of platform or topside structure with comprehensive analyses, including full non-linear, dynamic, and impact effects. Use integrated modules to model pile-soil interaction and apply wind, wave, seismic, ship impact, dropped object, and blast loads.​​

Duration: 6 Days

Course Fees Online: $750 USD (#240,000 Naira) Only

Course Fees Offline: $950 USD (#340,000 Naira) Only Only

Start Date Offline: To be scheduled.

Start Date Online: Any Time

Course Description

This course offering will review the fundamentals behind all types of offshore structures (fixed or floating) and, in the case of fixed platforms, will cover applications of these principles.

Course Objective

The overall objective is to provide participants with an understanding of the design and construction of offshore platforms, specifically:

  • The theory and process of such design
  • The use of current, applicable engineering methods in the design of fixed offshore platforms. In addition to the traditional lecture delivery, the course delivery emphasizes the use of group discussions and actual design problems in order to ensure participants can put the newly learned concepts to use.

Course Outline

Types of Offshore Structures
Fixed Platforms
Compliant Structures
Floating Structures
Subsea System
Fixed Platform Concepts

Design Stages
Basic Design
Detailed Design

Load Types
Gravity Loads
Environmental Loads
Mud Loads
Load Estimation and Distribution
Load Combinations

Structural Steel
Structural Member Classification
Steel Grades
Chemical Requirements
Carbon Equivalent (CE)
Mechanical Requirements
Notch Toughness Requirements
Supplementary Requirements
Seawater Corrosion
Factors influencing corrosion
Types of corrosion
Rates of corrosion
Corrosion Protection
Cathodic Protection
Sacrificial Anode System

Structure Geometry selection
Geometry Simulation
Axis System
Joints or Nodes
Members and properties
Offsets and Eccentricities
Wish-bone Connections
Dummy Structure Models
Foundation Simulation
Pile Modelling
Pile Group Effect
Load Simulation
Dead Loads
Equipment Loads
Fluid Loads
Drilling Loads
Live Loads
Wind, Wave and Current

Geometry Simulation
Simplified Topside Model
Load Simulation
Topsides Load COG Shift Envelope
Minimum and Maximum Water Depth
Maximum Wave Loads
Allowable Stresses
Dynamic Analysis

Geometry Simulation
Load Simulation
Computer Generated Mass
Direct Input Mass
Foundation Simulation
Dynamic Amplification factor

Deterministic Fatigue Analysis
Wave Scatter Data
Spectral Fatigue Analysis
Wave Spectra
Wave Theory Selection
Wave Steepness
Transfer Functions
Selection of Frequencies
Stress Amplitudes
Fatigue Life Calculation
S-N Curves
Stress Concentration Factors
Foundation Linearisation

Impact Vessels
Method of Computing Impact Energy Dissipation
Energy dissipation by member
Energy Dissipation by Overall jacket deflection
Structural Strength During Impact
Push Over Analysis

Workshop 1: Starting SACS Executive and Setting up Working Environment
Workshop 2: Structural Modeling of Jacket, Pile and Conductor via Definition Wizard
Workshop 3: Offshore Production Jacket Platform Structural Modeling of Horizontal Frames
Workshop 4: Offshore Production Jacket Platform Structural Modeling of Deck Frames – Cellar & Main Decks
Workshop 5: Offshore Production Jacket Platform Structural Modeling of Joint Connection Design
Workshop 6: Offshore Production Jacket Platform Topside Design Theory Based On API-RP2
Workshop 7: Offshore Production Jacket Platform Environmental Load Analysis with SACS
Workshop 8: Offshore Production Jacket Platform In Place Analysis Theory Based On API-RP2
Workshop 9: Offshore Production Jacket Platform Gravity Load / Weight Analysis Theory based on API RP 2A
Workshop 10: Offshore Production Jacket Platform Gravity Load / Weight Analysis with SACS
Workshop 11: Offshore Production Jacket Platform Static Analysis with Non Linear Foundation with SACS
Workshop 12: Offshore Production Jacket Platform Basic Static Analysis
Workshop 13: Offshore Jacket Single Pile Analysis
Workshop 14: Offshore Jacket Ship Impact Analysis

Lecture 1.0: Loads on Offshore Structures
Lecture 1.1: Loads on Offshore Structures
Lecture 1.2: Loads on Offshore Structures
Lecture 1.3: Loads on Offshore Structures
Lecture 1.4: Loads on Offshore Structures
Lecture 1.5: Loads on Offshore Structures
Lecture 1.6: Loads on Offshore Structures

Lecture 2.0: Concepts of Fixed Offshore Platform Deck and Jacket
Lecture 2.1: Concepts of Fixed Offshore Platform Deck and Jacket
Lecture 2.2: Concepts of Fixed Offshore Platform Deck and Jacket
Lecture 2.3: Concepts of Fixed Offshore Platform Deck and Jacket
Lecture 2.4: Concepts of Fixed Offshore Platform Deck and Jacket

Lecture 3.0: Steel Tubular Member Design
Lecture 3.1: Steel Tubular Member Design
Lecture 3.2: Steel Tubular Member Design
Lecture 3.3: Steel Tubular Member Design
Lecture 3.4: Steel Tubular Member Design

Lecture 4.0: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.1: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.2: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.3: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.4: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.5: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.6: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.7: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.8: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.9: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.10: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads
Lecture 4.11: Tubular Joint Design for Static & Cyclic Loads

Lecture 5.0: Jackup Rigs Analysis & Design
Lecture 5.1: Jackup Rigs Analysis & Design
Lecture 5.2: Jackup Rigs Analysis & Design
Lecture 5.3: Jackup Rigs Analysis & Design
Lecture 5.4: Jackup Rigs Analysis & Design

Lecture 6.0: Design Against Accidental Loads
Lecture 6.1: Design Against Accidental Loads
Lecture 6.2: Design Against Accidental Loads
Lecture 6.3: Design Against Accidental Loads
Lecture 6.4: Design Against Accidental Loads
Lecture 6.5: Design Against Accidental Loads
Lecture 6.6: Design Against Accidental Loads
Lecture 6.7: Design Against Accidental Load


At the end of the course certificate of Completion Based on Scottish NVQ standard Level 4 & 5 shall be issued directly from Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.

For further enquiry on this training and details of our course calendar, please call: +447946739882, +447903310642, +2348151453146, +23407061027534, +2348139340494. Monday to Saturday Only between 9.00am to 4.30 pm on any enquiries or send an email to

NB: Full registration (including payment) MUST be received at least 2 weeks before the start date to enable sufficient time to courier hard copy training manuals and certificate from our London Office to our deep and ultra deepwaters training & research facilities in portharcourt, Nigeria (Offline Option Only).

Learning from Our Deepwater Experience

Chess Subsea engineering training portfolio is built on the back of her engineering capabilities, where her expertise lies in providing integrated services across the whole life-of-subsea-field. We spend 80% of our time working on engineering projects with our technical partners internationally and 20% of our time teaching it.

Since delivering our first training course 10 years ago, we have developed a broad range of courses from foundation to practitioner level and evolved to become the benchmark for excellence in training for the oil and gas industry. The diverse selection of topics covered at the different levels, make Chess Subsea Engineering courses invaluable for everyone from graduate engineers and support staff, to senior engineers.


“I really enjoyed FDDOPJPAS Level 1 & Level 2 online training option. It was my first attempt and I was sceptical at first as to whether or not this learning style was right for me. Support from the training team and instructors have been awesome!”
Laura K. Offshore Structural Engineer, Ghana

“Incredible to learn so much in such a small amount of time!. I really enjoyed FDDOPJPAS Level 1 & Level 2 offline training option. ”
Peter T. Offshore Structural Engineer, Portharcourt Nigeria

“This is a great course for learning how to take your basic SACs skills to the next level.”
Henry.M Offshore Structures Design Engineer, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

“I was thankful for the opportunity to attend FDDOPJPAS Level 1 & Level 2 online training option. The course has opened my eyes to Feed & Detailed Design of Offshore Production Jacket Platforms & Analysis with SACS. It was hands on all through the 14 days with SACs software.”
Ikechukwu O. Civil Engineer, Lagos Nigeria

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