At the Introductory Level, WellSharp training provides basic well control knowledge for floorhands, derrick workers and non-technical personnel.
Enhanced Assessment Process
A significantly improved assessment process for IADC WellSharp program will ensure
integrity and international uniformity:
- Centralized electronic testing system, including random test generation
- Immediate test results and feedback based on learning objectives
- Independently proctored assessments
Course Outline
It explains the basic underpinning principles of well control, introduces the equipment used to control an influx and the basic methods employed in returning well operations to primary control.
Target Audience
Drillers, Assistant Drillers, Derrickman, OIMs, MudEngineers
Professional Certificate
Issued directly by IADC.
Course Code: IADC Well Sharp Introductory
Certificate: IADC Accredited Certificate
How to Register Manually
Click here to download registeration booklet on msword and email completed booklet to directly.