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Big Data Analytics with Python Beginners Master Class for Data Analyst Engineers (BDAPBMC) Level 2

Original price was: $1999.00.Current price is: $789.00. exc VAT


To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge in the areas of Offshore & Subsea Data Analytics Engineering with Python. Python is an object oriented rapid development language deployed in many scenarios in the modern world.

BDAPBMC Level 2 is meant for technicians or engineers from all disciplines switching career to offshore data analyst with Python.


Delegates attending this course should be able to define general programming concepts including compilation and execution, variables, arrays, sequence, selection and iteration, navigate the filesystem (on the command line ideally), edit and save text files and browse the web. This knowledge can be obtained by attendance on the pre-requisite Python Programming Beginners Master Class for Engineers (PPBMC) Level 1.

Training Mode: Online



PPBMCODA Level 1 comprises sessions dealing with offshore and subsea engineering, syntax, variables and data types, operators and expressions, conditions and loops, functions, objects, collections, modules and packages, strings, pattern matching, dates, exception handling, files, and databases.

The delegate will learn and acquire needed script for Writing and testing simple scripts, Representing data using built-in and custom data types, Building mathematical engineering expressions, Building conditional and iterative statements, Declaring and calling functions, Using objects, Creating and manipulating collections including lists, tuples, and dictionaries, Creating and manipulating strings , Creating modules and packages, and using third-party libraries, Pattern matching, Working with date and time objects, Handling exceptions, Reading from and writing to files and databases and Coding in an OOP manner.

Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.

Course Outline

Subsea Production Systems
Subsea Field Architecture
Subsea Distribution Systems
Offshore & Subsea Surveys
Subsea Structures Installation and Vessels
Subsea Cost Estimation
Subsea Control Systems
Subsea Power Supply
Subsea Project Execution and Interfaces

About Python
Python versions
Python documentation
Python runtimes
Installing Python
The REPL shell
Python editors

Script naming
The backslash
Code blocks
Console IO (to enable the writing of simple programs)
A first Python program
Script execution

Numbers (bool, int, float, complex)
Binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers
Collections (str, list, tuple, set, dict)
Implicit and explicit type conversion (casting)
The type function

Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Membership Operators
Bitwise Operators
Identity Operators

Conditional statements (if, elif, else)
Short hand if/if else
Python’s alternative to the ternary operator
Iterative statements (while, for, else)
The range function
Iterating over a list
Nested conditional/iterative statements

Default values for parameters
Named arguments
args and kwargs
Returning multiple values
Nested functions
Functions as data
Introduction to lambda expressions
Variable scope
The pass keyword

About objects
Attributes and the dot notation
The dir function
Dunder attributes
The id function
Pass by reference
Introduction to Classes
Class Declaration and Instantiation
Data attributes

About lists
List syntax including slicing
Getting and setting list elements
Iterating over a list
Checking for the presence of a value
The len function
List methods incl. append, insert, remove, pop, clear, copy, sort, reverse etc.
The del keyword
Appending to and combining lists
List comprehension

About dictionaries
Dictionary syntax
Getting and setting dictionary elements
Iterating over a dictionary (keys, values, and items)
Checking for the presence of a key
The len function
Dictionary methods incl. keys, values, items, get, pop, popitem, clear etc.
The del keyword
Dictionary comprehension

About strings
String syntax including slicing
Escape characters
Triple-quoted strings
The format method
Other methods e.g. endswith, find, join, lower, replace, split, startswith, strip, upper etc.
A string as a list of bytes

About modules
The module search path
Importing modules
Importing module objects
The import wildcard
Importing within a function
Executable modules
Reloading a module
About packages
Importing packaged modules
Importing packaged module objects
Package initialisation
Referencing objects in sibling packages
The Standard Library
Installing modules and packages using pip

About the datetime module
datetime object attributes
Creating a datetime object
Date arithmetic
Formatting dates

About exceptions and exception handling
Handling exceptions (try, except, else, finally)
Exception types
The exception object
Raising exceptions
Custom exception types

The open function
Methods for seeking (seekable, seek)
Methods for reading from a file (readable, read, readline, readlines)
Iterating over a file
Methods for writing to a file (writable, write, writelines)
Introduction to context managers
File parsing for files of type CSV, XML, JSON, YAML
About the os module
os module functions incl. getcwd, listdir, mkdir, chdir, remove, rmdir etc.

DP-API implementations
Establishing a connection
Creating a cursor
Executing a query
Fetching results
Inserting, updating, and deleting records


Participant underpinning knowledge of Offshore Data Analytics Engineering with Python at Level 1 shall be accessed all through with hands on case studies involving programming with python.


Participants will gain an in debt understanding of Offshore Data Analytics Engineering at level 1. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as Subsea Production Systems and Services (SPS&S) Systems Engineer for IOCs, offshore & subsea systems service contractor, vendor or installation company.

Certificate of Completion

At the end of the course certificate of Completion Based on Scottish NVQ standard Level 4 & 5 shall be issued directly from Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.

How to Register

Click here to download registeration booklet on msword and email completed booklet to directly.

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